From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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- [Instructor] Let us now talk about LoRaWAN. LoRaWAN stands for Long-Range Low-Power Wide Area Network. It's developed and maintained by the LoRa Alliance, and it's officially approved as a standard for low-power WAN by the International Telecommunications Union in December of 2021. Wait, 2021 you say? Yes, it is quite recent. So again, LoRaWAN is a standard for low-power WAN. Eh, what's low-power WAN? Well, think of devices that are low powered like devices that run on battery perhaps, which connect to the internet or over long ranges. Got any ideas? Say your smart devices or the sensors used in smart cities and industries. The sensor chips used in agriculture for plants, or those used in cattles for monitoring. The smart metering devices for water, gas, or electricity and so on and so forth. If you really ponder about it, just think of IoT or Internet of things or the machine to machine connections. That is where LoRaWAN comes in. But then we said long-range. How long is that…
