From the course: Networking Foundations: Wide Area Networks (WANs)

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Circuit-switched WAN connectivity

Circuit-switched WAN connectivity

- [Instructor] Let us now look at circuit-switched WAN connectivity. Back in the days, telephone switchboards were used by the phone network. The switchboards were then handled by the switchboard operators. To connect the phone call to the right destination, the operator will need to insert the phone plug into the appropriate phone jack. Once the correct logs were connected, a circuit would then be established between the two callers, which allowed them to talk to each other. This is the PSTN or the Public-Switched Telephone Network, also known as POTS or Post Office Telephone Service, or plain old telephone system. Eventually, the operators were replaced by electro mechanical automatic telephone exchanges. Now, given the operation of switching across various circuits to establish a connection, this technology is then referred to as circuit switching. And yes, PSTN is an example of a circuit-switched network. Later on, we used modems to modulate and demodulate signals so that we can…
