From the course: Nano Tips for Career Growth from Today’s Top Business Leaders

Three key tips for success with Mark Cuban

- There's some basic tenets I think that employees or entrepreneurs need to have. Number one, wherever you're working, it's the first time after college or school where you're getting paid to learn as opposed to paying to learn. So look at it that way, right? You're there to, you know, to be curious and find new things. I learned so much from the companies I got fired from. I learned what not to do. I learned things I should do. Number two, reduce the stress of people around you. If you're a stress reducer, everybody wants you, so there's always going to be something for you to do. You don't have to have all the answers. It's not the end all be all. And if you're curious, if you're learning, if you're agile, you'll go to the next job or start your next company and figure out where to go, and that'll lead you to the next, and eventually you'll get where you need to go. (upbeat music)
