From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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Zend setup

Zend setup

- [Instructor] How you install Zend will depend on how you're using it. Composer is the preferred method of installation, though you can always grab parts manually if you want to from their GitHub repositories. So, as a side note, Zend is the only framework that has their own commercial server. So Zend actually has a server you can buy that includes the framework and everything else and you can run directly on that. So I'm not going to get into that, but just so you know, there is that option, the commercial option. So there's a couple different ways you can get started installing Zend. One is, you can use the composer require, which will essentially create a composer.json for you and a new composer project, and inside of there, it will download the core MVC Zend Framework. In addition, you can do the same thing if you want to use some of the elements from Zend specifically but maybe not the whole thing. And this is how composer really works, is you create your application, you set it…
