From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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Zend app walkthrough

Zend app walkthrough

- [Instructor] Now that we've got Zend installed and all set up, let's go ahead and take a quick look under the hood and see how it all works. I'm just going to look in the basic skeleton application installed because it really shows us how Zend works without a lot of complicated extras and add-ons. I'm going to go ahead and go into the project itself, I just have it loaded up in a text editor, and you can see at the root level I have a few different files. I have my composer files, which determine all the deployment information, what versions of what I'm using. In this particular example, this is all pre-configured for the Zend skeleton. I also have a docker file and a vagrant file. If you want to deploy using those environments, these all come with the application when you install it. Now, an important thing to see here is that I have the config directory. This is going to store application level configuration files. I have a data directory. This is where data files are stored that…
