From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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Zend advanced concepts and next steps

Zend advanced concepts and next steps

- [Instructor] So this course is a survey course. We didn't have a lot of time to really get into the nuts and bolts of using Zend Framework to develop PHP apps. So let's talk about where you might go from here if you're interested in getting to know Zend more. In terms of getting to know the Framework more, the first steps you should probably do is get more into the view implementation. Learning about how layout HTML works, and how the controller is going to work with the other HTML files and PHTML files. Another thing that's really important for web applications is how you handle forms and how you handle submitting forms to the action page. So this is something, Zend has specific form and action objects to handle, to handle that process. Dependency injection is a key component of the Zend Framework because it's great for testing, and it also allows us to integrate one thing with another thing. So that's definitely something to look up. I would recommending take a look into the…
