From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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Intro to CodeIgniter 3

Intro to CodeIgniter 3

- [Instructor] CodeIgniter's been a favorite among PHP developers who prefer a lighter weight framework. It has a very small footprint that does little more than enforce the MVC pattern, but has many components that can help with rapid application development. So, in December of 2014, CodeIgniter changed management from a company EllisLab to the British Columbia Institute of Technology. It was handed off. The current version is 3.2 and 3.0 was the first version at BCIT. So they now are licensing under the MIT license. The previous license was an OSL 3.0 license which was copy-left which meant that, essentially, if you want to change any of the core files, then you have to include those files opensource. So the thing about CodeIgniter, it's very well-loved and if you look, you'll see it's still one of the more popular GitHub repositories. However, it did stall out for awhile. So sometime in 2013, 2014, there really wasn't much activity going on and that's when a lot of these new…
