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CodeIgniter classes

CodeIgniter classes

- [Instructor] CodeIgniter comes with a lot of classes you can use to jumpstart your development and help you do a number of critical tasks. The classes are broken up into three main places in the User Guide. This User Guide is available at the website, but will also be downloaded when you download a version of an instance of the CodeIgniter code base. I'm going to go ahead and go to the Libraries section. And in here, you can see all of the object oriented classes that are available to me. I have a lot of classes for doing a number of different things, from parsing templates to handling pagination of tables, and things like that. I can manipulate images. I can handle uploading through the File Uploading Class in a FTP Class. I have a class specifically for building HTML tables. I have classes for handling dates, and calendaring. Sending emails, encryption. So there's all kinds of things you can do with these built in classes. When it comes to manipulating the database…
