From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: Rhythm

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Rhythm examples

Rhythm examples

- [Instructor] Okay, let's combine all of what we've learned up to this point. Let's play some simple rhythmic examples utilizing the note values and rests that we've covered so far. Now, I know I said you didn't need to know how to read music for this course but I'm hoping by now that you've picked up some simple rhythmic notation. So, I'm going to show you some rhythm examples and you can clap along with me. This first example uses only duplets. Clap along with me if you like. Ready? One, two, three, four. One, rest Three, four. One, Two and Three, Four e and a. One, rest, Three, Four. One, Two and Three, Four e and a One When you see the double dots at the end of a measure that means to repeat back to where you see the other double dots at the beginning of a measure. That's a repeat sign. Let's do another example. This time, I've added triplets. Clap along with me, if you like. Ready? One, two, three, four. One, rest, Three and a Four. One, Two e and a Three and a Four. One, rest…
