From the course: Modeling an F1 Wheel with Autodesk Alias Subdivision

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Using the exercise files

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] Before we get started I wanted to talk a little bit about how to set up the exercise files correctly for this particular course. So once you've downloaded the exercise files folder onto your desktop, let's open that up. And you'll see that we have five chapters. And if I open up Chapter 1, this is the default installation that Alias provides for each project. The most important ones for us in this course are going to be the Wire. And these are where our exercise files are held. And also Pics. And we'll be using these pics when we are adding logos, et cetera, to the actual F1 wheel. So let's go back to exercise files. And I'm going to select all of these. And then just go ahead and copy them. Let's close this folder down. And we're going to open up Alias. And you'll notice on my screen we have five different workflows. We have Default, SubD, Class A, Paint and VR. It doesn't really matter which one you…
