From the course: Modeling an F1 Wheel with Autodesk Alias Subdivision

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Forcing decals onto one side only

Forcing decals onto one side only

- [Presenter] Let's take a look at a potential issue that can arise from using layered shaders. So in this particular case, we have the body and it's joined. So it's just one solid entity. And if we go up to object, display, diagnostic, shading, there's one, we just have the default shader applied to this. Okay, we're going to go down and we're going to locate layered shader and we're going to assign the layered shader to that body. So the top appears correct. That's exactly what we want. But if you notice underneath, we also have the decals or logos appearing on the lower portion, and this is not correct. We don't want this. So it's a very easy fix. What we have to do is we're going to slick their body, go up to default and see if he holds. And we're going to go ahead. Pick point types, faces, slick, the lower portion, and we're going to extract and we're going to switch keep original off and go. So what we've…
