From the course: Modeling an F1 Wheel with Autodesk Alias Subdivision

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Extruding the handle footprint

Extruding the handle footprint

- [Instructor] So now, we're ready to extrude the handle footprint. Let's take a look at our layer structure. We have a canvas image. We have the handle extrude layer. This is the end result. And you can always use this for reference at any time. And then we have our handle footprint. And this is what we're going to start with. So let's go to the extrude command. And we're going to leave these options exactly as you see them here. Simply a window over our footprint. And it doesn't really matter whether we have global or normal set right now because we're working with a flat plane. The extrude vector is going to be exactly the same. So simply just drag the extrude up like this. I'm going to leave it right there. Let's go up to Object Display, Diagnostic Shading. And we'll move this window over here. And let's just switch on, for example, this one so that we can see the model a little bit clearer. So we're going to…
