From the course: Modeling an F1 Wheel with Autodesk Alias Subdivision

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Creating the push buttons

Creating the push buttons

- [Instructor] Let's take a look now at completing some of these buttons for the main body. There are two styles of button here. As you can see, one has a smooth top and one has a slight depression. If we open up the layer buttons finished, you can see that. I'm going to go to diagnostic shading, let's just do vis one. So you can see here, we have a slight depression, and some of these have a very flat top. Again, very simple entities, I'm going to look at how to create those. So let's switch off buttons, finished, and we've got diagnostic shading open, and we're going to start off with a very simple cylinder. We're going to click on that green button and just scale this down slightly. Let's rotate it. And we're going to go to whole fill, double click, and you'll notice now with whole fill, there are two options. We have a multiple face, so if I pick this top edge, and multiple faces, we'll fill this hole…
