From the course: Mistakes You Should Avoid at Work

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Treating office events too casually

Treating office events too casually

From the course: Mistakes You Should Avoid at Work

Treating office events too casually

- These days the line between personal life and professional life can get incredibly blurry. Companies are providing lots of extra perks to make work feel, well, less like work. What used to be mostly the purvey of tech companies has become more and more mainstream. There's drinks in the fridge as well as a seemingly endless stream of extracurricular bonding activities like holiday parties or team offsites. While it's tempting to treat these activities as casual gatherings of your friends, don't treat these events too casually. And remember that if these activities are sponsored by your company, you're still on the clock. It's hard not to feel like a kid in a candy store especially early in your career when you're budgeting every penny and you're suddenly faced with free drinks, endless appetizers, and a chance to vent to your work family about how annoying that one client is. Save those conversations for one on one…
