From the course: Mistakes You Should Avoid at Work

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Not setting goals

Not setting goals

- One of the mistakes I made early in my career was not setting goals. I didn't like to think long term, so I was just operating day to day and doing whatever was put in front of me. The problem with that philosophy is that you can wake up one day and realize that you're on a path you didn't intend to be on or one that you might not even enjoy. Also, goals can help you see the bigger picture. So if your day to day begins to feel like a grind, you have a longer term vision to help you get through it. Make sure your goals are smart, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. And re-evaluate them often. It's okay if your goals change. Sometimes we start down a path and realize it's not what we wanted to do after all. Don't be afraid to try things out and change your mind. Having smart goals is a great way to help you find a path that you do want to be on.
