From the course: Mistakes You Should Avoid at Work

Forgetting details

- What did we decide in that meeting? Did you say you would take care of that or did I? And when did you want me to finish that for you? Do those questions sound all too familiar? In a fast-paced environment, it's really easy to forget details. So be sure that you're setting yourself up for success. First of all, close your laptop while you're in meetings. I know that multitasking is tempting, especially if you're, let's admit it, a little bored, but just don't do it. Close your laptop, focus on the task at hand. And if you really aren't needed in that meeting, figure out how to not go to the next one. Secondly, take notes by hand. Seriously, close your laptop. It's too tempting to do other things if you're taking notes on your laptop. And we're more likely to retain things when we write them by hand. Finally, save the last five minutes of every meeting to agree on action items and you guessed it, write them down. Did you get all of that? When you can master the details it will do wonders for your career.
