From the course: Mistakes You Should Avoid at Work

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Being late

Being late

- Do you consider yourself a night owl? Do you try to go to bed early but no matter what seem to struggle to fall asleep? According to a growing number of studies, it really is harder to be a night owl, as your internal clock doesn't match up with the externally and socially-imposed timing of day to day life. That being said, if you do shift work or just work for a company that generally follows a specific set of working hours, don't make the mistake of being late. Honestly, it's not fair, and everyone should be allowed to work at the times they feel most productive. However, unfortunately not everyone has embraced this way of thinking and until we have a cultural evolution, you got to be on time. It communicates that you care about your job, and that you care about your coworkers. Not only that, but being on time will reduce your stress and start your day off on a positive note. Finally, no matter what, do not…
