From the course: Mindful Leadership

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Mental flexibility

Mental flexibility

- Hi there, Darrell from CH/LL. Flexibility in leadership, mental agility, the ability to pivot, a nimble mind. All of these phrases speak to the importance of flexibility in leadership. Strong, caring leaders often develop plans, schedules, timelines, and procedures with a team, and oftentimes these well-laid plans require a quick adjustment. A leader who's rigid in direction and guidance cannot pivot quickly, but one who is flexible may even revel in the opportunity to try something new. A flexible mind equals the ability to take on new perspectives. The meditation that we will engage in today will challenge you to loosen your perspective on an object. Practicing this mental flexibility in meditation with basic objects expands and trains the mind to be agile, nimble, ready, and this translates to agility in day-to-day situations. So let's get started with a mental flexibility meditation. Welcome a slow, slow…
