From the course: Mindful Leadership

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Consistency is key

Consistency is key

- Hi there. Daryl from Chill. Regular mindful meditation is the key to mindful leadership. Any high performance athlete, artist, or other skilled professional became that way due to regular practice. Mastery arises out of thousands and thousands of hours of practice and mastery sustains due to continued practice. Mindful leadership is not about doing one thing in particular. It is about the awareness, presence, and attention you bring to all things. Mindful leaders worry less about being perfect, mindful leaders move more towards practicing, being present at all times. Regular, disciplined, mindful meditation is at the heart of mindful leadership. So let's get to the heart of the practice. Take a deep breath in through your nose. Open mouth exhale. (breathing loudly) Good, two more just like that. In through the nose and out through the mouth. One more full breath in to expand the chest and belly and as you…
