From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Create a simple table

Create a simple table

- [Instructor] I'd like to create a table in the Red30 Tech database to store information about their customers. In Management Studio, we can create a table by going into the Databases folder and finding the folder that will represent our tables. Right-click on it and point to New, and you'll see that we have lots of different options. The first one that just says Table is the standard type of data table used in most relational databases. But you can also create memory optimized tables, which will store data in system memory as well as on disc so that it's faster to read and write. Temporal tables maintain time and date stamps for every change made to the data that they store. This allows you to essentially look back in time and see the state of the data as it was at any point. Regular data tables don't include this capability and can only show you the current state of the data. Ledger tables are a new feature for SQL Server…
