From the course: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Essential Training

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Choose a SQL Server 2022 edition

Choose a SQL Server 2022 edition

- [Instructor] In order to follow along with this course and to give yourself a playground with which you can freely explore the features and capabilities of SQL Server, you're going to want to get your own copy of SQL Server running on hardware that you control. To do that, you'll want to pick the right edition for your needs. SQL Server comes in four principle editions in order to support a wide variety of usage requirements. Enterprise Edition is the most fully featured edition and it supports running on an unlimited amount of CPU cores and memory. This is the edition used by very large mission critical database applications at scales and performance levels required by some of the largest corporations around. The Standard Edition has most of the same features of Enterprise, but is limited in the number of CPU cores and the amount of memory that it can run on. This edition's performance is capped at 24 CPU cores and 128…
