From the course: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect (SC-100) Cert Prep: 4 Design a Strategy for Data and Applications by Microsoft Press

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Specify a security strategy for apps and APIs

Specify a security strategy for apps and APIs

Application security isn't only about the data though. Other security considerations for applications include the application code, which is the logic that defines the custom application that you're writing. The security of this code is the responsibility of the application owner. This includes any opensource snippets or components that are used in the application code. Securing this code requires identifying and mitigating risks from the design and the implementation of the application. Another component of this is the application services. These are the various standardized components that the application might use, like databases, identity providers, event hubs, and more. Then there's the application hosting platform, which is the computing platform where the application actually runs in an enterprise with application that uses both on premises and Azure environments. There could be many different forms of compute platforms. It could be virtual machines, app services, functions…
