From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Lesson wrap-up

Lesson wrap-up

So in this lesson, we have talked about two of Azure's load balancers. One was called Azure Load Balancer, general purpose. load balancer operates at the TCP layer. So it understands IP address and port. It does not understand anything about the HTP URL. It has back end pool a health probe, and a combination of those can create a load balancing rule which maps source, IP and port to destination, IP and import. We also looked at Application Gateway. It operates at the application layer, specifically HTP or HTPS. It has additional features it supports because of that Multi-site Hosting, URL Path Routing and even TLS termination. You use the special tier of Application Gateway called Web Application Firewall if you want additional protection for your applications. Let's look at a couple of the command line highlights. So in PowerShell under load balancer, here's New-AzLoadBalancer, all spelled out as you might expect. Here's New-AzLoadBalancer, backend address pool, so it creates a…
