From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Implement Site Recovery

Implement Site Recovery

So backing up a VM to an Azure vault, that's a good thing to do just in general because it allows you to do recovery on that VM, but that recovery process can take time and it takes you back in time to the point that backup was taken. Azure Site Recovery is another resource you can use and Recovery Services Vault. They provide extra protection, particularly for critical VMs in production. Essentially, it sets up what's called or what I would call a Warm stand-by, a copy of your VM. And then every few seconds, it takes changes from the disks of that VM and replicates those to copies of those VHDs that are stored in the Site Recovery Vault. This also uses the same kind of Recovery Services Vault, which is used for backup, with one important difference. When you setup replication or site recovery for an Azure VM, the vault must be in a different region from the VM. Also, it must be in a different resource group from the VM. The reason that this is enforced is because if a whole Azure…
