From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) Cert Prep: 4 Configure and Manage Virtual Networking

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Implement Azure Backup for VMs: Part 1

Implement Azure Backup for VMs: Part 1

Backup is an important way to protect VMs that you have running either in Azure or on-prem. The diagram you see here is a little busy, but let's just point out a few things. When you are deciding to set up a backup for VMs and you want Azure to help, you'll need what's called a Recovery Services Vault. And we'll talk about those a lot in this lesson. You can backup workloads that are running in Azure, Azure VMs. Also files that are on VMs that are running in Azure. Also files in Azure Storage. Notice you can also backup on-prem servers as well to an Azure Recovery Services Vault. As we'll see, the Recovery Services Vault have built in replication. You can control how much of that you want and need. And that follows all the same security rules and protocols that Azure puts in place. So what can you backup? You can backup Azure VMs. This uses what's called the Azure Backup Agent. On Windows VMs, it can do an app consistent backup. It uses a Windows service called Volume Shadow Service…
