From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

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Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams sign-in issues

Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams sign-in issues

- Microsoft includes a lot of different codes for the most common issues that you'll find in Microsoft Teams. So, you can see this first code in the upper left is you ran into an authorization problem. You want to make sure your date and time are set correctly. The next one is a request has timed out, and you'll be able to see these issues in the log files, which you can click on in your Microsoft Teams client, by right clicking on the app in the system tray, and then choosing log files. The troubleshooting action for the request timeout is ensure you're connected to the internet. Then, the next one is the server name could not be resolved, ensure you're connected to the internet. You, also, want to make sure your DNS is working correctly. Then, you have, the next one in the top left, 04, your request needs to be approved by a resource owner or authorization server. So, you can contact your IT admin so they can confirm…
