From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

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Manage users in a team

Manage users in a team

- [Instructor] There's multiple different ways we can manage a team. If I go into Manage Teams, we can see all these different teams, and I'm just going to pick Pub-Team for a second. And I can see that we just have my name in there as the sales, for the title and owner, and then I have another name for myself, but it's a completely different email address, and it's as a guest IT contractor. So I can go in and I can add additional members if I'd like, and I can go into Channels. I can go into Settings, and I can make all different kinds of changes. However, what if I want to do some of these changes in PowerShell, such as adding a member or an owner into this team? So I can go into PowerShell and start out by typing in the commandlet connect-microsoftteams. And what it's going to do is it's going to prompt me for my username and password, which I'll go ahead and enter. And once it says I'm connected, you can see it…
