From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

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Manage cloud file storage options for collaboration

Manage cloud file storage options for collaboration

- [Instructor] Adding storage to your Team meeting will allow users to share, upload, and download files that you allow them to have access to. The host of the meeting and owner of the channel can set this up in the meeting. As you can see, there's lots of different options here for adding cloud storage. Originally, Microsoft had a difficult time adding in OneDrive and SharePoint so they added these other options as well. I'm now in the Microsoft Team. You can see any one of these channels, you'll have this option. I'm going to go to where it says Files. And then once I'm in Files, I can click on Add cloud storage. And now I can choose any one of these different products. I'll just choose Box, for instance. Now, you need to already have an account with these particular companies. If not, go sign up and then come back. Now we see the option to approve, Grant access to Box. Go ahead and click that. Now it gives me the…
