From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

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Manage channels for a team

Manage channels for a team

- [Instructor] Channels in Microsoft Teams are subcategories or subgroups to a team that's already been created. We can see logged into the Teams application, if I expand the sales project, here are my different channels. So for instance, in sales, if I decide I want to have an announcement, I can add an announcement in that particular channel, but it won't show up in any other channel. And that allows us to segment or separate the different types of chats or communications that we have instead of just being in the root of the team's channel, we can have it in individual subcategories. And we can edit this information in a couple of different ways. One is for instance, I can click on the three dots and I can add a channel right here. I can also go into any one of the channels and I can choose to delete the channel for instance, or make other changes such as edit this channel. And we can also do this in the Teams admin…
