From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

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Interpret a dial plan

Interpret a dial plan

- [Instructor] Dial plans in Microsoft Teams. So what is a dial plan? A dial plan is a name set of normalization rules that translate dialed phone numbers by an individual user, into an alternate format. Typically, you're going to see E.164. And E.164 is just a way to make sure that every phone number has its own unique address because you don't want to have two different locations with the same phone number. And this is all for purposes of call authorization and voice routing. A dial plan consists of one or more normalization rules that's going to define how phone numbers expressed in various formats are translated into that alternate format. And there can be a maximum of 1000 tenant dial plans, so most likely you'll never hit that amount. If you have clients, a dial plan scope determines the hierarchical level at which the dial plan can be applied. Clients are going to get the appropriate dial plan through…
