From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

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Create and manage meeting policies

Create and manage meeting policies

- [Instructor] Many organizations need Teams admins to control the features of meetings that users use within their organizations. And those features can be changed in meeting policies, which is located underneath the meetings category. In meetings policies, we see that there's several different policies that are already created and part of Microsoft Teams. We can go in and add custom ones as well. So I'll click on add to create a new policy and we'll call this one admin policy because I'm going to apply this to the admin group. First option is meet now in channels. That means while we're in a channel, we're going to want to be able to choose to meet with other team members. And we can have that on or off. Then there's the Outlook add in. So if we have the Outlook application and we log in as an admin, then we're going to see that add in for Microsoft Teams. We can also see the channel meeting scheduling so that way we…
