From the course: Microsoft 365 Teams Administrator Associate Cert Prep (MS-700): Managing Collaboration Tools

Create and configure call queues

- [Instructor] Microsoft Teams has a feature called the call queue. So why do we need a call queue? Well, we can use it for several different reasons. The first one would be a greeting message that welcomes people and says something about you or your company. We can also play music while people are waiting on hold. And we can redirect calls to call agents in mail enabled distribution lists, as well as security groups. And we can set different parameters such as the queue maximum size, timeout and call handling options. I'm in the Microsoft Teams admin center, and I'm going to scroll down to where it says voice and underneath voice, I'm going to choose resource accounts. And the reason I'm looking at this first is because in order to set up a call queue, we have to have a resource account already created, which I've done here. So I've created a queue and an auto attendant resource account. Now I'm going to click on call queues and you can see there are none yet, so I'll click add. And now I've got to give it a name. And I'll just refer to it as new call queue, and here's where we add in our resource account. So I'll type in the first three letters and then it'll find it and I'll be able to add it in and click add. Now we see queue is in this resource account, and if you don't see a resource account, you can create one from the list that you saw there. Now, as far as assigning a calling ID, you don't have to do this. However you see that you have the option for agents that can make outbound calls using phone numbers on the following resource accounts. So if I assigned a phone number to a resource account, then I can add it here. And then the caller ID will then show up with that phone number. The next option is going to be language, so I'll go ahead and select that. And now we have the option for a greeting. So we see no greeting as an option. If I'm going to choose to play an audio file, I'm going to need to upload that audio file from my computer. And since I don't have one of those, I'll just choose no greeting. And a similar thing for playing an audio file from your own, or you can just choose to play default music. Under call answering you see, you can choose either a channel or groups or individual users to answer incoming calls for this queue. If I choose a team, I can click on add a channel and then type in the team name and I'll choose sales project, and then I can choose the channel. So any one of those four users will be able to answer incoming calls for this queue. I'll just choose general and click apply. I could also just choose users in groups from Azure Active Directory. Under conference mode I can turn that on or off. Turning this on will allow for faster transfers to other agents, if you'd like to have that happen. We can see Skype for business clients won't be able to use this. And the routing method can be the attendant routing, serial, round robin, or longest idle. I'll just choose the attendant routing and continue on. And we have presence based routing. And what this will do is it will only route calls to agents who are not currently busy. If they are busy, then it will skip them. If you turn it off, it will call them no matter what. Then we have the option for call agents who can opt out of taking calls, I'll go ahead and leave that on. And then we have the alert time for the call agent. And by default its set to 30, I'll just go ahead and leave that. After that we have the call overflow handling. You can either have calls, be disconnected or redirected when they hit a certain call queue length. And by default, the maximum calls in the queue is set to 50. I'm going to set it to 25, just for fun. And you see, you can go all the way up to 200 calls. When the maximum number of calls is reached, you can disconnect or redirect this call to, and then you can choose that person here. Call timeout handling. If the call isn't answered within the maximum wait time, it will be disconnected or redirected. And here's your maximum wait time. 20 minutes is an awful long time to be on the call, I'll just go ahead and say 10 minutes. And when call time's out, you can disconnect or redirect to, and then you can put that person's name in here. And I'll just go ahead and choose disconnect, and now we'll click save. And now our call queue is complete. Call queue are locations, administrators create for users to wait or be redirected during a call.
