From the course: Media Composer 8.7 Essential Training: 101

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Apply segment effects

Apply segment effects

- [Narrator] For chapter seven, I've created a new project folder. And to access it, we're going to browse, go into our chapters, go into chapter seven, click open, and here's our new version of the Running the Sahara project. I'm just going to double click to open this up. And we've got one sequence in our RTS sequences bin which is apply segment effects. And that's exactly what we're going to do right now. So far we've applied transition effects and I think we've pretty much covered the ground there. It's pretty straight forward to add them and change the effects and remove them. But of course the real power is in segment effects and there's a long list of them. I'm going to start with a really simple example, and then we'll move on to more advanced controls. First of all, I've got a clip near the end of this sequence. And let's say I decide that it'll be nice if this was a run right to left instead of left to right. So we're going to apply an effect. I'm going to go to my filters…
