From the course: Measuring Team Performance

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Service and repair performance

Service and repair performance

From the course: Measuring Team Performance

Service and repair performance

- Once your customer has your product, you want that product to work. Your service team is the team that makes sure that product stays up all the time. Some activities in the service portion of the value chain focus on installing, maintaining, and repairing your products once the customer has them. You can measure this team's performance using the following metrics. Installation speed and cost assesses how long it takes for you to get your equipment up and running at a customer location, as well as how much it costs you to conduct the installation. Both absolute numbers and trends are important for this metric. Repair costs and timeliness is a function of the severity of the issue, spare parts availability, technician skills, and scheduling. While you want things fixed right the first time, you also want to get it done quickly and cheaply. Equipment uptime measures the quality of your equipment but also the effectiveness…
