From the course: Measuring Team Performance

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Measurement tools

Measurement tools

- There is no shortage of measurement tools. The trick is selecting the right tool for the job. Whether you use a standard dashboard report already in your IT system, create a custom report in a spreadsheet, or track smiley faces on a whiteboard, using a measurement tool appropriate to what you're measuring either helps or hinders your ability to track performance. The five measurement principles can help guide you to the right tool. Complex, frequent, and broadly shared reports lead you to an IT or spreadsheet solution. Simpler, less frequent measures with small distribution requires simple reports, bulletin boards, or even email updates. IT system reports are best for complex calculations that are run frequently and are seen by many people. One benefit is they're not easily changed so you get consistency over time. But that inability to change these reports is also a drawback if you have to make modifications. These…
