From the course: Measuring Team Performance

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Manufacturing operations performance

Manufacturing operations performance

From the course: Measuring Team Performance

Manufacturing operations performance

- Manufacturing is about speed, quality, and cost. You need to understand how much product you're creating, how good the product is, and how much it costs to make it. Your manufacturing function resides in the operations portion of the value chain. When you measure manufacturing performance, you're balancing the trade-off between time to manufacture, cost, and quality of product. Manufacturing Cycle Time measures how long it takes to produce one unit of product from the time raw materials enter the manufacturing process until the finished product comes off the manufacturing line. Some organizations will use different start and stop points depending upon their business model. Some might start the clock when raw materials are received and end when a product leaves your facility. Downtime measures how often your manufacturing line isn't in production mode. It's an input into your utilization metric. Capacity Utilization measures…
