From the course: Measure What Matters (Blinkist Summary)

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Tracking OKRs

Tracking OKRs

- [Narrator] Blink number four. By constantly tracking OKRs, organizations can make sure that they're headed in the right direction. You probably know that writing down a goal raises the chances of your reaching it. The same can be said for tracking your goals as you pursue them. In fact, a California study showed that friends who both wrote down their goals and shared their progress on a weekly basis, were 43% more likely to achieve their objectives. The same goes for organizational OKRs. Google, for example, usually has monthly sit-downs where employees touch base on how they're getting along with their quarterly OKRs. Not only is progress discussed, roadblocks are also pointed out and key results updated accordingly. During such meetings, or indeed, at anytime in the quarterly OKR life-cycle, four options are available to OKR contributors, continue, update, start, and stop. If an objective is on track, it makes…
