From the course: Measure What Matters (Blinkist Summary)

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Characteristics of OKRs

Characteristics of OKRs

- [Narrator] Blink number two. OKRs allow organizations to stay focused on reaching their goals. Anyone who's worked at a high performance organization is aware that to move ahead as a team, everyone needs to know which direction they're headed in, but what's equally important is knowing where one is not headed. This brings us to the first of three important characteristics of OKRs. There should only be handful of organization-wide OKRs at any one time. That way, everyone from top management to lower-level employees can stay focused on achieving a limited number of important goals, together. Next, once management has determined these top-level objectives, between three and five KRs are needed per objective to help everyone at the company know when each objective has been reached. Any more than this and focus will become diluted to the point where progress is hard to measure. Finally, you'll need a clear timeframe so…
