From the course: Maya: Fundamentals of Medical Animations

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Commonly used tools: MASH

Commonly used tools: MASH

- [Instructor] In the following videos, we're going to have a look at some of the tools in Maya that are most commonly used in medical animation. We're going to look at some quick examples of scenes set up using these tools. And this'll help you think differently about applying these skills that you may have learned in other Maya training into your medical animations. We will have a more detailed look at some of the tools later on in this course. One of the most recent additions to Maya is the Mash Motion Graphics Toolkit. In your exercise files, you'll find a scene setup with the basic bilipid cell membrane, which was created quickly using Mash. So if I just delete these just now and take you back to the beginning. This started with this simple object. Select your object and going into the Mash tab, click on the Mash waiter to create a new Mash network. Once you've done this, you'll see that it's distributed these in a linear fashion. Under the distribute attributes, you can change…
