From the course: Mastering Your Adobe Illustrator Workflow

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Organizing and naming layers

Organizing and naming layers

- [Instructor] Before I jump into layers, I want to first define what I mean when I say a good creative habit. A good creative habit is anything you can do to improve your creative workflow as you design and create your artwork in Illustrator. It's that simple. So let's first talk about layers in Adobe Illustrator. And we're going to take a look at a specific project of mine. Now, I think drawing is important for creatives to use, whether you're working on a logo or an icon or an event graphic or in this case, an illustration. Not everybody wants be an illustrator. That's fine but the principles of drawing will apply whether you're doing graphic design, or illustration or a mix of both, which I call illustrative design. So my process starts in analog. If you prefer drawing digitally, that's great. My daughter, who works with me, does all of her drawing on her iPad Pro and she loves it, and she thinks I'm old school…
