From the course: Mastering Your Adobe Illustrator Workflow

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Customizing your keyboard shortcuts and actions

Customizing your keyboard shortcuts and actions - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Mastering Your Adobe Illustrator Workflow

Customizing your keyboard shortcuts and actions

- [Instructor] In this movie, I want to show you how using keyboard shortcuts and combining them with recorded actions can speed up your workflow and make you a lean mean creative machine. Let me show you how to use and create your own. Now, before we jump into this, if you're working on a Mac, you'll need to go to System Preferences under Keyboard, and you'll want to make sure this box is checked. So it allows you to use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys. This may apply to PC as well. So find the equivalent settings on a PC in order to use keyboard shortcuts. With that said, let me walk you through all the various custom keyboard shortcuts that I have set up so I can make working easier. And the whole reason I use keyboard shortcuts is then I don't have to always go up to the menu and select a method and run it. So in this case, if I was making a mask, I could select the top vector element and the image below…
