From the course: Marketing Tools: SEO

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console

- [Instructor] Google Search Console is a really important tool for any website looking to rank in Google. It can help you to identify where you're currently ranking in the search engines and what keywords you're showing up for and how many clicks you're getting and how many impressions you're getting, and it can also help you to fix any issues that Google might be having when crawling your website. Now, depending on what website platform you are using, whether that be Joomla, WordPress, Shopify, or any other platform, the process of verifying your website with Google Search Console will be slightly different. So you may need to contact your web developer or perform a Google search to see how to verify your specific web platform with Google Search Console. Once you have your website registered and verified with Google Search Console, the inside will look a little bit like this. So here, again, you can see your performance…
