From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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The web evolves and so should your site

The web evolves and so should your site

From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

The web evolves and so should your site

- As we come to the end of the launch and reset phase of our web design process, we are completing the circle, and you'll notice the last phase points back to the first one, content strategy. This is what's so magical about web design and the web design process. Unlike any other discipline or art form I can think of, the web is an ever-evolving and constantly fluid medium. Every day, new ideas, new technologies, and new services come online that extend the repertoire of what is possible for the web, and often force us to change the way we do things. This is why I'm tempted to add the word continuous into the web design process. Web design is a continuous process of constant iteration, innovation, and refinement. There really is no such thing as one and done in the web design world, or at least there shouldn't be. The second your site goes live, you start the process over: redefining content strategy, implementing new…
