From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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Post-launch user testing

Post-launch user testing

- Once the site is launched and working properly, you need to run another round of user testing to ensure everything is still working as expected. Here, you should run tests on three key groups of users: users that have never visited the site, new users with experience with the new site, and older users with experience with both the old and the new site. As before, you are testing for user comprehension, communication and accessibility. The three groups cover three different types of users who will give different types of data. The first group will tell you if the site is intuitive to use and meets its communicative goals. The second group will tell you if there are latent issues and sticking points in the site that only become apparent once you've been using the site for a long time. The third group will tell you if users are able to transition from the old to the new site, and put up flags if there is content or…
