From the course: Managing Misconduct in the Workplace

Managing misconduct

- Most managers and HR professionals will try to avoid managing misconduct in the workplace because most of us don't like having difficult conversations with people that we have a relationship with. Misconduct in the workplace can have a negative impact on the company culture and employee well-being. Some of the impacts include poor morale, stress related absenteeism, and reduced productivity. You can simplify this challenge by looking at managing misconduct as a non-emotional process with clearly defined steps to follow. Hi, my name is Andrea Vogel, I'm a head of international HR, a chartered fellow of the CRPD and I have worked with a number of organizations internationally to create better workplaces. In this course, we'll explore how to address misconduct in the workplace in a non-emotional way. And what process you need to follow to achieve a fair and objective outcome. We will also look at the informal actions you can take before managing misconduct in a formal disciplinary process. Join me on this course to identify a process to manage misconduct in a fair and objective way.
