From the course: Managing Misconduct in the Workplace

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Disciplinary action for misconduct

Disciplinary action for misconduct

- Taking disciplinary action against an employee can be quite difficult and emotional. So applying objective principles will help you make fair and reasonable judgments about any action that needs to be taken. This will also reduce the risk of litigation or the decision being overturned in an appeal process. First of all, depending on the country your company operates in, there may be legislative frameworks, or codes of practice which determine the type of disciplinary action you can take. For example, in the U.K., you can issue a warning or go straight to dismissal in cases of gross misconduct. In other countries, you may have to issue three warnings before you can go to dismissal. I've also worked in countries where possible disciplinary action can include demoting the employee, or reducing their salary. So make sure you understand the local regulations before considering any disciplinary action. Secondly, you need…
