From the course: Managing Misconduct in the Workplace

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Conducting an appeal hearing

Conducting an appeal hearing

- The right to appeal disciplinary action should be embedded in your company policy as it demonstrates that the company's committed to an objective evaluation of a management decision. The first thing you need to do is appoint a hearing manager. This cannot be the same person who managed the disciplinary process. In fact, everyone involved in the appeal process must not have been part of the disciplinary process. This will ensure that the process and action is evaluated objectively and purely on the information documented throughout the process. Once you have a hearing manager, you need to advise the employee that they must clearly set out the grounds for the appeal and provide further information or evidence, if needed. The appeal must be submitted within a certain timeframe which should be specified in your company policy. The grounds for an appeal can include reasons such as the employee believes the process was flawed,…
