From the course: Managing Misconduct in the Workplace

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Address misconduct in the annual review

Address misconduct in the annual review

From the course: Managing Misconduct in the Workplace

Address misconduct in the annual review

- Most companies have a performance review or appraisal in place that is completed annually. Such a review is an excellent platform to informally address any issues with an employee in a more formal setting. Addressing misconduct issues in the annual review has the advantage that concerns are documented, and objectives can be set to improve behaviors. Let's use an example. One of your employees tends to get very passionate about their projects, and sometimes raises their voice in project meetings, which upsets the other colleagues. To address this, you can follow three simple steps. First, gather all the information in preparation of the review meeting. Prepare real examples of when the employee has raised their voice, dates, times and who else was present. Also take note of the impact that behavior had on other people. For example, has this made it difficult to form productive relationships with others in the company.…
