From the course: Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

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Technology-related anxiety

Technology-related anxiety

- Your computer and mobile phone may be necessary in your daily work life. But did you know that these devices can also cause anxiety? Let's take a look at why technology may cause anxiety. What happens when technology causes anxiety and what you can do about this. Technology may cause anxiety when you're unfamiliar with it. Switching to a new phone or computer system, for example may make you anxious. Even if you can quickly learn how to use the new system, the upcoming change itself can cause anxiety. That's because change causes a type of brain chaos called cognitive dissonance. The chaos horizons because your brain anticipates having to learn new and unfamiliar things. And so, you may reject or avoid signing up to this new change altogether. Anxiety may also arise when you overuse your cell phone or computer. Research indicates that you are more likely to get anxious if you text or make calls frequently. Overuse…
