From the course: Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

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Exploring treatment options for anxiety

Exploring treatment options for anxiety

From the course: Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Exploring treatment options for anxiety

- Did you know that anxiety doesn't necessarily mean that your problems are only psychological? It may also be signaling an underlying medical condition. Let me tell you about Julia. She was a successful sales executive who was in psychotherapy for panic disorder. One day, she suddenly heard her heart pounding in her chest and felt like her head was spinning. She simply held onto the desk because she thought she was having a panic attack. She hoped that it would pass and it did. A month later, she went to see a new primary care physician when she had a similar panic attack, but he referred her immediately to an emergency room. The ER doc did an EKG and checked on her blood enzymes. Her results indicated that she had had a heart attack. Like Julia, your anxiety may be signaling an underlying medical disease. In fact, anxiety may be the first presenting symptom in a heart attack, thyroid disease or even an adrenal tumor.…
